One of the Reasons I Loved the "No" | Cherokee Trail High School Senior Photographer

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I think this is my last Flashback Friday I’m going to share from my old content for today, because Real Talk, my laptop is dying and needs to be charged. I love that I am re-sharing this blog post, because just a couple of months ago, I just captured some headshots for this guy. He’s almost done with college and is jumping into the career world soon! Enjoy this Flashback!

It is beginning to become a distant memory, but my husband and I, the dog and the 5 year old used to live in Fresno, California.  For those of you that aren't familiar with California, Fresno is in Central California (right above the armpit of California; Bakersfield), their major industry is agriculture, and it's nickname is "NO-town".  The bottom line is that people like me, from big cities such as LA, don't move to places like Fres-NO, LOL....Believe it or not, we lived there for 6 years and although it's not a bustling metropolis as we were used to, we made some amazing friends in the "NO" that will be in our lives forever.  

One of those amazing Fres-NO friends is "Mr. Rey" and he is Dad to "B" who is the featured Senior in this blog post.  B and his family moved to Denver a few months before we left Fres-NO for Indy.  Well lo and behold, God saw fit to reunite us in Denver and it has been amazing to be around good friends again, and to see how much the kids have grown up.  And grown ups they are, because B is now a Senior at Cherokee Trail High School, and his brother is a Sophomore at Cherokee Trail High School.  It was definitely a privilege to have B in front of my camera as I never would have guessed I would get this opportunity.

Before I share some of my favorites from his session, I have to say how amazing this young man is.  He is a God-fearing, intelligent, personable guy and oh, he's pretty darn handsome.  My littles love him and the 5 year old is always asking about B.  He's made quite the impression.  Enjoy this gorgeousness!!!  

Yep, after this photo, we could have pretty much been done with the session.  And that suit though; there are no other words except he nailed it!!!

Well we really could have just been done with the session after this set too! But we had to move on to some casual shots, because that’s what Senior Photo Sessions are all about - the variety!

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This one belongs on Dad's wall...and should be blown up big!!!  Go big or go home with this one!

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And no "Guys Senior Session" can be complete without photos on a graffiti wall, so here ya go! 

Get out there and make us proud B!  Can't wait to see what the future holds for you, my friend.

Danielle Makia, Photographer is a South Denver family photography business also specializing in maternity, children, lifestyle, senior and extended family sessions; as well as event photography.  Service areas include Denver, Colorado; Aurora, Colorado; and the suburbs of Denver, Colorado.

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