A Very Special Senior | Littleton Colorado Senior Photographer

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It’s still Flashback Friday, and as I’m moving content over from my old blog to my new blog, I can’t believe that almost 6 years ago this girl was entering her senior year in high school and she is now finishing up a prestigious dual major program in Bio-engeering at Northeastern College in the Boston Area. Enjoy this Flashback.

I'm so excited to share this session because it features someone that's super special to me; my step-daughter "T".  In fact, besides my littles, and my lovely cousins the Davises, this is my first family member that spent almost a full 2 hours in front of my camera.  And the camera loved her!!! 

 It's hard to believe that she came into my life when she was in her early elementary years and now she is about to enter her senior year in high school.  Because she's so smart and works very hard in school, her future college options are beyond impressive. I can't wait to see what God has in store for this young lady.  Enjoy...

Isn't this setting just gorgeous ?! Ketring Park - and I have found a new perk of living in Colorado; I can not wait to explore all this beautiful scenery.

You'll notice the next couple of photos are on a bench, and if  you know me, you know there's always a story that goes with everything I do.  Well I had been eyeing this bench since we first arrived at the location.  The only problem was there was a man on the bench.  I thought for sure he would leave.  Well he didn't.  So...after moving all around the park, I finally just asked him, "Can I use the bench?".  He agreed, but it literally took him about 5 minutes to move off the bench.  The almost empty bottle of alcohol he was trying to hide from us explained it all.  PSA folks...don't drink by yourself sitting around in the park.  You will drink way too much and won't be able to move when asked!

As you can see, I had my assistant with me....the 5 year old.  Ha!  She is actually very helpful on photo shoots, helping with poses (ha!) and testing the light.  In fact, I let her take some of the photos early on, and lo and behold, I can't tell which photos she took and which photos I took.  Uh oh....

We got lucky because this spot had a lovely view of the lake, and we caught it at sunset.  Last story from me for this post.  While I was shooting, I left my leather camera bag in the grass behind me.  Well, a couple with a huge Lassie dog walked by and commented on how beautiful the light was.  I started talking to them of course, and as I was talking their dog started lifting his leg to pee on my bag.  I stopped mid-conversation and started yelling, "Don't pee on my bag"!!!  He stopped what he was doing and I went and checked out the damage.  There was none, thank goodness.  I had my wallet, another lens in there, my cell phone, etc...It could have ended very badly.  PSA #2...Don't leave your camera bag unattended.  

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And a black and white for the road!   Thanks for visiting!

Danielle Makia, Photographer is a South Denver family photography business also specializing in maternity, children, lifestyle, senior and extended family sessions; as well as wedding and event photography.  Service areas include Denver, Colorado; Aurora, Colorado; and other Denver Suburbs.

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