Danielle Thompson

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Whatever Will you Do with all Your Family Photos? | Highlands Ranch Colorado At Home Newborn Photography

It’s the perfect day to get this particular blog post transferred over to my new website because it’s my friend Ms. B’s birthday ^^^^ and her support has been such a big impact on my business, that it feels right to celebrate her today! So here we go…

So you just received your awesome photo gallery from your awesome photographer and you want every.single.one of the images!  All 102 and of them.  You convince your hubs that it's the best purchase ever, and you get your images and you load them on your laptop hit slideshow and just gaze at them over and over again.  The next day you do the same thing, the same the day after, and then the next week, you forget about all those beautiful images just sitting there on your lap top.  When you remember them a couple of weeks later, you feel guilty because; well you never did anything with all those beautiful images.  There are some great solutions for getting those photos off of your computer and up on those walls - in other words, Print those Photos and make them into Wall Art! 

So, here's what I suggest...Narrow down all 102 images to your favorite few.  No more than 10% of the images, OK.  You may need some help and you can always ask your awesome sauce photographer for help with this.  I know it will be hard, but you will thank me for it later.   Because I know it's hard to visualize this part, I'm going to just go ahead and pick my favorites from this session.  Boom!

Now that we have our faves selected, let's get them modeled up on our walls.  Again, ask your awesome sauce photographer how to do that.  Here's what we can come up with together.

Boom! Now, don't think you need some fancy software to create this "wall art".  You can literally just draw different configurations on graph paper by creating boxes for each photo you want on the wall, and labeling the photos with a number.  Easy, peasy.  

Now, the last thing I'm going to touch on if you really just can't narrow it down to 10 photos or so.  And that's to have your photographer design an album for you with all your favorites.  So, we're talking 25 or so photos.  That's exactly what I did for this family.  And guess what, their favorite photos are now someplace else, other than on their laptop; maybe even on their coffee table unless their kids are like mine and manhandle the photo albums.  In which case, it may be up out of the kids reach (insert smiling crying emoji here).  Here's the cover of their super cool awesome album. 

Well, I hope this blog post gave you some super cool ideas on how you can get your awesome professional photos off your laptop and use them to create gorgeous "Wall Art" or into an album.  Bye for now! 

Danielle Makia, Photographer is a South Denver family photography business also specializing in maternity, children, at home newborn, senior and extended family sessions; as well as intimate wedding/elopements and event photography. Service areas include Denver, Colorado; Highlands Ranch, Colorado; Aurora, Colorado; and Denver suburbs.