So Momma got a Fancy New Camera (aka DSLR) | South Denver Colorado Mom's Photography Classes

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So, if I was a betting person, I would guess that some of you Mommas got a fancy new camera (DSLR) during the stay-at-home orders.  If you just scratched your head and went to check if your new camera was actually a DSLR, then you'll want to read this blog post.  (Oh and then you'll want to e-mail me after you read this blog post).

What I've found in talking to (and observing) many a mom at a dance recital, children's museum, park, etc. is that they are shooting in "AUTO" or the green camera setting, the camera is making all the decisions, and momma is frustrated with the results she is getting.  What usually gives it away is when Mom slams the flash down when it automatically pops up or they are desperately trying to get the flash up when it refuses to come up.  Ruh Roh (any Scooby Doo fans out there)?

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Let me tell you, I have been in your shoes - yep, back in the day when my first daughter was a baby, I was "".  I had even owned my camera for about 3 years prior to my daughter's arrival and I had never really learned how to use it!  So, because I love you (I love all Mommas and Daddys), I want to help you become the best Mom Photographer ('Mom'ographer) you can be.  Don't believe me?  Here is some documented evidence with my very own lovelies. ^^^^^

In case you are still confused about why I am writing this blog post, I offer lessons that are perfect for Mommas that want to learn how to use their camera. I will get you out of AUTO, help you take control of your camera, and take better photos of your kids! You will be a Mom Photographer ('Mom'ographer) in no time.  Oh, and best of all, you'll get a girls night out with me each week for 3 weeks! 

What Mommas Are Saying about Becoming a Mom Photographer ('Mom'ographer)?

In case you're wondering if you could really learn how to use that complex camera you have, here's a few thoughts from one of the Mom Photographers ('Mom'ographers) from last year.  We'll call her Momma B:

Momma B had owned her camera for a few years and had taken a few one-day seminars to learn how to use her camera and the information she learned just didn't stick with her.  What appealed to her about the Mom Photographer ('Mom'ographer) class was this:

-The class was spread out over  a month and included homework to reinforce learning

-She got to try out what she had learned and come back and talk about it

-The class is geared for moms

Here's what Momma B learned:

-Composition techniques that can be used for kids and how to capture candid moments better

-She learned about the exposure triangle and how to get out of "AUTO" and shoot in other shooting modes (her favorite is aperture priority)

Momma B's outcome:

-She got a new DSLR, a portrait lens; she is more confident behind the camera and is definitely taking better photos of her kiddos

How do I know this is true??? I received a Christmas Card from Momma B this year of her lovelies and she nailed it!!!  (As evidenced below):

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If you are interested (or in desperate need of Mom Photography Classes): E-mail: with the Subject 'Mom'ographer to find out details about how you can get started with a private or semi-private lessons. (if you want to bring a friend).

Danielle Makia, Photographer is a South Denver family photography business also specializing in maternity, children, lifestyle, senior and extended family sessions; as well as intimate wedding/elopements and event photography. Service areas include Denver, Colorado; Highlands Ranch, Colorado; Aurora, Colorado; and Denver Suburbs.

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