Home for the Holidays | Centennial, Colorado Extended Family Photo Session

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I met this sweet family a few days after Christmas in Centennial, Colorado for an Extended Family Session because everyone was home for the holidays.  For a family this size, this is no easy feat.  There are 5 adult kids, mom and dad, plus significant others. Dad has a job that requires him to travel, two of the five "kids" live out of state, and one lives out of the country.  The fact that we were able to make this happen, and that the weather cooperated, was a Christmas miracle! And when I say the weather cooperated, I mean it wasn't snowing...because, it was ummm, in the low 30s that morning.  YIKES!!!    

We started off with Mom, Dad, and the 5 siblings and then a bit later added in the significant others.  I love that with these big families they always have some good stories to tell. In fact, I think they were laughing about something that happened way back when on a camping trip.  On a side note, my hat goes off to any parents that are able to survive raising more than 2 kids.  We have two under 10 at home, and some days I just have to celebrate keeping everyone alive.

You know my rule for family portrait sessions, is that even if it's just one shot, we have to get photos of mom and dad only, because:

1) They deserve the spotlight just on them, even if it's only for a short time

2) Kids want photos of just their mom and dad

3) Without them, there is no family

Mom and Dad happily complied, with a sense of humor I might add; and their photos turned out beautifully.

Oh the joy of having 4 built in playmates.  These siblings were so excited to be around each other, that I didn't even have to give them my favorite line "act like you love each other".

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Don't let anyone tell you differently, because no matter how old you are, mom still wants an individual photo of each one of her children!  She told me that the last individual photos she had of each kid was their high senior photo, which means an update was definitely in order before we moved on to capture some of three of the siblings and their significant others.

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This session was soooo gorgeous, because that sunrise light, as cold as it was, was just gorgeous.  We wrapped up with one last shot of everyone; and then for kicks and giggles I had to add in my favorite outtakes because you know I like to laugh!  

If your extended family will be in town this summer, please reach out to me, as I'd love to capture this rare occasion where everyone is "back home" at the same time.  Thanks for stopping by!

Danielle Makia, Photographer is a South Denver family photography business also specializing in maternity, children, lifestyle, senior and extended family sessions; as well as event photography. Service areas include Denver, Colorado and surrounding suburbs.

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