Mount Falcon West Family Photo Session with Teens

Well here we are again, same time (sunset), same place (Mount Falcon West), different family (the Deckers). I met the Deckers when I photographed their oldest, Paxton’s, senior session a few years back. I don't know what else to say about this family, except that they are joyful and I love being around them! I was so excited to update their family photos, because let’s face it, once our kids get older family photo sessions become less of a priority. Although I would argue that the older our kids get, the closer they are to being out of the house and spreading their wings, which makes family photos even more important.

Mount Falcon West is perfect for families of all ages, all abilities (easy walking pathways), looks great all year round, beautiful views, and as an added bonus for the Deckers it is a sentimental location. This Jeffco County Open Space is near a summer camp their family has gone to for many generations.

Within 3 years we were able to complete Paxton’s senior photos, their family photos, and then Logan’s senior photos. The Deckers are set until their next life event they’d like to document. I’ll have to make a stop by their house to see how their walls are looking with all their updated photos.

I always love to end my Mount Falcon West sessions at the overlook once the sun has almost set. That’s when the light is the prettiest and if it is summer time, the sun is done blaring down on us for the evening. There is so much to love about this location which makes it extremely popular. So pro-tip…if you have your heart set on Mount Falcon West, we may want to choose a weekday evening during busy season (June to October) to avoid the crowds. You know where to find me when you’re ready to book:



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Sunset Family Session at Mt Falcon East


Summer Family Photo Session | Mt Falcon West