Future Pilot in the Making | Grandview High School Senior Photographer

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This fall I had the opportunity to shoot some pretty awesome high school seniors and if I had a tad bit more time on my hands I would showcase them all. But...school is out and I am managing kids + business schedules, which is no easy feat, so my blogging time is limited!  Last week I got to celebrate a senior whose family holds a special place in my heart.  They were the first family we met and spent time with when we moved into our current neighborhood three years ago.  They gave us so much advice on the local school and the neighborhood, and their younger son was a much needed familiar face for our daughter when she started at her brand new elementary school. When I develop friendships that I really value  it is an honor to later work with them to document some of the most important milestones in their lives; and high school graduation is one of the "biggies". 

So let's get to it!  Let me introduce you to Mr. D., Grandview class of 2019, double Varsity athlete, future pilot and all around genuine nice guy!  Besides the capturing of images with my camera, my other favorite part of these sessions is really getting to know the families that I work with. So one thing I found out early in the planning process is that D loves both trains and planes so we ended up choosing "Denver's Union Station" for stop #1 of his senior session. We had to get up early for this lighting, but oh my goodness was it worth it!  

I just have to point out that it's not every day that you just happen upon a really cool train parked at Denver Union Station, but it just so happened that there was an overnight party in a sleeper car and as long as we didn't wake up the partygoers, we could use the train car as a backdrop, and boy did we!  The other thing I discovered, since this was the first time I had shot at Union Station was this cool Denver sign.  After I went back and reviewed and edited my images, I was like ummm, this image with the Denver sign needs to get picked up for a Denver Union Station ad - am I right? 

Once we wrapped up at Union Station, we headed over to Denver's RiNo area, a favorite for senior guys because of the colorful walls and urban feel.  I love that they change some of the walls every year, so it's like opening up a box of chocolates when you get down there and see which walls they have changed.

As I stated above, Mr. D is a well rounded and talented athlete.  Rarely do you see high school students that play more than one sport, but Mr. D played both football and basketball at Grandview High School.  Since we make each senior session unique to that particular senior, we included some sets with both his basketball and his football.  

Believe it or not, I do really like sports other than cheer, so a couple of times this year we went to support Mr. D and cheer our home high school on in both football and basketball.  And although it was months ago, I remember as clear as day the Homecoming football game we attended, mainly because we almost froze to death out there; because Colorado weather be "cray cray". 

It's time to wrap this particular blog post up, and I thought the image below was a perfect way to do that. Most of the time I don't turn my camera off until I actually get to the car after a session is over.  And every once in a while, after the session is technically over, I capture a photo that I love and this one was it! 

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