Danielle Thompson

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A Game Changer | Eaglecrest High School Senior Photographer

Friends, how did we get to May?  And how is it that 2019 is close to being halfway over and graduation season is upon us?  Every year I love to feature a few graduating seniors that I've had the privilege of getting to know while I worked with them to create their senior session experience.  As with many of my sessions, it fits perfectly within the 5 pillars of my business because this young lady is part of a friend's extended family, and any family of a friend of mine, is like family to me. 

Ms. R is one young lady that I wanted to feature because she models qualities that I hope my daughters will one day show when they get to high school.  She is a hard worker on the basketball court, in school, and outside of school; she is passionate about her family, and she is humble.  These inner strengths Ms. R has, were visible throughout her entire session. You can see this beauty we captured below. 

Another trait I love about Ms. R is her passion for family.  This trait is something we wanted to bring to life in her session by including her mother, aunt, and first cousin in her senior session.  I was in awe over how tight knit this family is, and how much additional love and support both she and her cousin are given by their aunts.  In fact, it is so inspiring that I asked them how they developed these tight knit relationships, and mom gave me some great advice that I will try to duplicate with my girls and their first cousins, even though we don't live in the same city. 

In my opening, I mentioned that Ms. R worked hard on the basketball court. Well she earned herself a spot on the Girls Varsity Basketball team all four years she attended Eaglecrest High School.  For those who follow local sports programs in the Denver area, you know it is no small feat to earn a spot on a Varsity Team all four years of high school.  Not to mention the amount of hard work that goes into competing hard throughout the season and maintaining good grades.  Since every senior session I do is personalized, we had to capture some memories of Ms. R and her basketball.  In fact, she will continue to play basketball throughout her college career. 

Even thought Ms. R is passionate about working hard on the basketball court, she also likes to do all those normal teenage things - shopping, hanging out with friends, movies, etc.  In fact, I'm thinking I'd like to go back to my teen years and shop at the mall, hang out, and go to the movies with friends...but kids.  Haha!

As we started to wrap up Ms. R's senior session, in true Colorado fashion it started to sprinkle and then it really started to come down.  R and I were both determined to get these last few creek shots in because who wants to waste a cute outfit?!  Her fun, flowy dress was perfect to end her session in, in the rain!

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Ms. R as much as I have.  Ms. R, I wish you the best of everything as you head off into the beginnings of adulthood!  I know you will make us all proud.