Danielle Thompson

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Denver Senior Sessions at Local Gardens

By now you have likely seen my last blog post that incorporates multiple sessions that share similar traits. This blog post features Senior Sessions that we’re shot at locations that are more garden like. These locations are unique and include Denver Botanic Gardens, Hudson Gardens, and Highlands Ranch Mansion. Denver Botanic Gardens and Hudson Gardens are newer experiences for me, and I loved both of them. Highlands Ranch Mansion is an “oldy but goody” and no matter how many times I have shot there, I still love it!

These Seniors represent Grandview High School, Cherokee Trail High School, Mountain Vista High School and Elevation High School. Some of them will be attending some of our amazing local Colorado colleges and some will be heading across the country.

I don’t know where to start with Ms. Jaida. We have known her and her family since she was starting middle school, and I am just so proud of everything she has accomplished in those 6 years. She’s an amazing big sister and a great role model for my girls. She is going away to school and we will miss her so much.

I was connected to Trevor’s family through a common friend. We had the absolute best time at the Denver Botanic Gardens, with his mom and dad joining us. And since Trevor is such a talented musician, we got to listen to him play his guitar during his session. He is attending school at one of our amazing colleges here in Colorado.

Fun Fact, I had two Seniors named Josie this season and both of them chose Hudson Gardens for their location! How random is that, right?! Well, this Josie has been a long time family friend and we met them on the second day of our oldest daughter’s kindergarten year. She was so great to our daughter as she kept an eye on her on the bus, which can be scary for a kindergartener! It has been amazing to watch Josie grow up during the years and we are so proud of her as she goes away from home and ventures out for an amazing college experience.

This is my 2nd friend Josie, and she is all kinds of amazing. Smart and talented and wants to use her knowledge and experience to become a teacher! As a teacher’s kid, I know how hard that job is, and I also know how much our society needs new, passionate teachers. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her.

Alex is a special guy that I have known since he was in elementary school. I met his mom when both of us relocated to the Denver area from other states. Alex’s oldest sister babysat for my girls when they were little, and I even did her Senior photos more than 6 years ago! I just love this family and feel grateful that I got to do a short Senior Session with Alex at Highlands Ranch Mansion, since they now live in the mid-west. Alex is off to an amazing mid-west college and will make a great engineer in the future!

You would never know it, but we did Tahlia’s Senior Mini Session on a super cold day in November at Highlands Ranch Mansion. Tahlia is a member of Elevation High School’s class of 2023. She is a hard worker, (at one of my favorite stores, you can guess which one), and is off to school at one of the colleges in the CU system. I can’t wait to see where her talents take her.