Danielle Thompson

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Welcoming Baby Home | Castle Rock Colorado In Home Newborn Session

This session seems like a lifetime ago, and yet it has only been slightly over a year. It was my very first session of 2020 - the new decade and I was so excited to be celebrating a past client’s new addition to their family. They were in their brand new house and it was beautifully decorated and ready for me to come in and document their new normal with baby girl! Little did we know, that soon after I delivered their final gallery that the world would change as we know it and we’d go months without actually photographing any outdoor sessions, let alone going inside someone’s house to photograph their newborn. With the new perspective that a pandemic can bring, it makes me even more grateful that I have this opportunity to celebrate with my families.

So a little background on this Castle Rock Colorado In Home Newborn Session…the last time I saw these lovely clients it was a couple of years ago, during the busy fall season and it was Mom, Dad and their two young boys (both under 3). And as you can imagine, with two boys under 3, they gave me a run for my money, ha! So fast forward a year and a half and a new baby sister, I knew I needed to be ready for anything! And since I was on their turf and got to see all of their super-hero action figures, costumes and accessories before I spent any time with baby sister, we got off on the right foot this time!

One of the benefits of an At Home Newborn Session is that I get to document baby’s room, which for many of us is so special. As parents, we spend so much time picking out the perfect furniture, the perfect decor and personalizing things just for our little one, and we want to remember all of that. The one thing that stood out to me, besides the light and airy room, was the gorgeous antique crib. It was a stunner, so I wanted to make sure I captured it in a way that they would remember how unique it was.

So can we just talk for a minute about the sibling shots. My fellow photographers and I know that these are some of THEEEEE most difficult shots to try and get when you’re dealing with siblings younger than five. There is a lot of bribing and convincing that needs to be done, in addition to begging them to please be gentle with the new baby. So you can imagine how exciting it is when you are able to get sibling shots that you are not only proud of, but that the family will love and cherish. You can even say we were living on the edge when you see that we actually put the boys in the crib with baby sis! Remember we are at the age where the boys were too small to safely hold little sister, so we had to come up with the next best option. And please take note that Spider Man made it into the photo.

Next challenge - getting the other “Money” shot…with the entire family! We did the easy version first and then we moved forward with the remainder of the challenge! We were even able to get Grandma in there! We were on a roll!

And to round out the session, we wrapped up by getting some images with just mom and dad that I know Isabelle will cherish when she is older.

If you are expecting, don’t let this special time pass without documenting your sweet baby’s arrival in the comfort of your own home. An In Home Newborn Session allows you to capture the home you bring your baby to, your baby’s room, and you and your partner enjoying those early days of welcoming baby home are priceless memories. And yes, it can be done safely in a Covid world, as I will show up in a space suit. I’m sort of kidding, but not really. If you are interested in booking, we can discuss all things we can do to make sure we get your session done safely. Can’t wait to chat!

Reach out to me at: makiaimages@gmail.com

Until then, see you later this month for my next blog post!

