Danielle Thompson

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Photographing an Old Friend Part II | Aurora Colorado Summer Photography Session

Well, time to fire up the ole' blog again!  And what a perfect reason to fire it up - to show off my special friends in Indiana.  In case you have been in space somewhere, we spent almost 4 awesome years in Indy, and as of the time I shot this session, we had been away almost exactly one year!  A family graduation took us back to the midwest, so we decided to run ourselves ragged and try to visit as many of our friends and family as possible!  And of course, I wanted to squeeze in a couple of photo sessions while we were there.  I was so excited to get the G family in front of my camera, because we never made it happen while we lived in Indy.

It was perfect timing because their newest addition just made 6 months old, and she was just the happiest littlest person, ever!!!  Their oldest daughter Ms. L is one of my oldest daughter’s nearest and dearest pre-school friends.  It was awesome to see them grow up together, and experience things like Thomas the Train, and the Indy Children's Museum, and Cheer Camp over the years!   Ms L was a total firecracker during the session.  Well, more specifically, mom described her as a hostage taker; mom, dad and baby sister were the hostages, and I was the negotiator.  Insert smily laughing face here!  I definitely had a chance to sharpen my negotiation skills that evening.  Ms. L was an amazing model, and her personality showed in each and every shot; hostage taker and all!  

See what I'm talking about, I could have photographed her all evening.  Well, except for the fact that I had to chase her around.  And since I was sweating like a cow, it was time to incorporate the rest of the family.

I love these!!!  I can not get over Mom's face when Ms. L was saying something sassy.  And if you don't have girls, they say a lot of sassy things :-0

I love Mom's face in the photo above on the left...Is that not a Mom's life right there...one minute someone is biting someone else's foot, when everything was seemingly fine; and the next minute everyone is acting sweet and happy again.  This is my house, all day everyday!

Family portraits with littles are never easy, but you know what, I prefer to capture what is real and true and good any day over a "super posed everyone looking at the camera" at the same time photo. Because you know what...those photos are not our reality when you are in the midst of parenting littles.  

I loved capturing Mom and Dad love on Little Sister.  She was long awaited and is such a happy easy baby.  Enjoy this phase because soon she will be crawling, walking and then talking, and life as we know it will change forever, ha!

No family session should be complete without pictures of Mom without the littles (because we do have a life outside of being a Mom). I love Mom's expressions...they are classic to her, and I miss living just down the road and getting to see these expressions in real life!   

AND no session should be complete without photos of just Mom and Dad because they need some time alone together without the littles, even if it means strapping one in the stroller and allowing the other to wander around (true story)!  

And of course, since photo sessions should be about "real life", in my humble opinion, I couldn't help but include these last 2.  We were getting towards the end of the session, and big sister was pouting because we weren't doing what she wanted.  Mom then says something and look at her face in photo number 2!  I die of laughter every time I look at this series. And I wish I knew exactly what Mom was saying because I'm sure I would fall out of my chair in laughter!

Love you G family.  I am grateful for your friendship and the time we spent together last month.  Can't wait to see how these look on your walls!

Danielle Makia, Photographer is a South Denver family photography business also specializing in maternity, children, lifestyle, senior and extended family sessions; as well as intimate weddings/elopements and event photography. Service areas include Denver, Colorado; Highlands Ranch, Colorado; Aurora, Colorado; and Denver suburbs.